What I’ve done today

Today, I left home around 3, it is a late start, I really want to be very efficient as much as I can

  • 1 hour of workout
    • running(6 lapses)
    • digs(10 reps)
    • front squat(20 reps)
  • Watched lecture on dynamic programming
    • What is DP? (need to watch some other lectures)
    • Fibonacci number (practice writing some pseudocode)

What I need to do tomororw

Here are some of things I need to get started tomorrow morning - 6:30am: Baidu Internship Written Test - 9:30am: leave house and head to library - get started on 325 HW3 - solve 3 leetcode problems
- squeeze in a workout tomorrow after lunch or dinner

Thoughts for today

  • Have some confidence in yourself, a good way to achieve that is just to be very productive
  • Manage relationships better, need to express why you want to get a head start for your day, perhaps doing more household duties to justify your absence
  • Eliminate distractions, get rid of some more social media apps- Reading is good, keep reading “12 Rules for Life”
  • Learn to say “No”